In New Times Consulting Group we offer training services and specialized consulting on improving Customer Service using the combination of the following tools.
Coaching – As coaches we help all functions of your business work better as a team, driving customer loyalty and profits. Together, we will invest time and efforts to develop and learn different ways to work, communicate and involve your team.
Mystery Shoppers – We perform a personal and detailed analysis in which we cover 19 to 34 key points depending on the business segment and up to 5 critical categories.
Mentor – We help people individually to develop specific areas of opportunities based on the needs of the business.
Development of trainings and implementation of them – On the basis of the results of the mystery shopper, we develop a custom training tool. We integrate the service policy of each company with our tools to create trainings that we teach at each client facilities.
Monitoring and support program – We offer a service of support in the implementation of the skills taught.
Phone: (787) 410-0078 Skype: coachjoseantonio
P.O.Box 3212
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico 00970
Who do We Serve?

Restaurants, department stores, supermarkets, professional service offices, financial institutions, rental business and new business projects, as well as group or individual coaching.
Even though we could say that “customers are customers”, their needs will vary depending on the business segment we are talking about.
Key elements like sales force knowledge, claims handling, building appearance, parking spaces, music volume, temperature, cleanness, space for movement, illumination, waiting time, welcome message, phone handling and many others are being evaluated by our customers every time they visit us. How well we manage these elements will influence the customer’s decision to come back or not. Everything we do or avoid doing is part of the experience, is part of the service. No customer expectations are the same and we need to make sure we cover all the possibilities trying to establish the highest service level possible.
At New Times Consulting Group we have worked with many of the segments mentioned above and we know what to look for when we visit them. We understand the customer mentality and we understand the challenges you are facing today as an entrepreneur. We also know how much it costs to bring new customers and the cost of losing them. We want to team up with you and find new options to help you exceed your business plans while making your customer come back for more.
Phone: (787) 410-0078 Skype: coachjoseantonio
P.O.Box 3212
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico 00970
Developing Customer Loyalty for Life

The ultimate goal of customer service is to create customer loyalty for life. Understanding loyalty, and what makes your customer loyal and how to measure this, enables a company or person to improve customer-driven service quality.
To better understand what customer loyalty is, it is useful to understand what it is not. Customer loyalty is sometimes mistaken for:
- Customer satisfaction alone is not loyalty. Satisfaction is a necessary component, but a customer may be satisfied today but not necessarily loyal to you in the future.
- A response to some trial offer or special incentive is not loyalty. You cannot by loyalty; you must earn it.
- Large share of the market is not loyalty. You may have a large percentage of the customers for a particular product or service for reasons other than customer loyalty to you. Perhaps your competitors lack quality or your current prices are more attractive.
- Repeat buying alone is not loyalty. Some people buy as a result of habit, convenience, or price but would be quick to defect to an alternative.
Recognizing counterfeit loyalty is important. It can lull you into a false sense of security while your competition may be building real customer loyalty.
Customer Loyalty
So, what exactly is customer loyalty? A more reliable definition has evolved in recent years. Customer loyalty is best defined as a composite of three important characteristics:
- It is driven by overall satisfaction. Low or erratic levels of satisfaction disqualify a company from earning customer loyalty.
- It involves a commitment on the part of the customer to make a sustained investment in an ongoing relationship with a company.
- It is reflected by a combination of attitudes and behaviors, including:
- repeat buying
- willingness to recommend the company to others
- a commitment to the company demonstrated by a resistance to switch to a competitor
“Unless you have 100% customer satisfaction, you must improve” – Horst Schulz
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